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Kitchen Equipment


small tools, utensils, & appliances

a pot steaming on a counter


appliances, cookware, & tools

a wall of corks


serving, storage, & miscellaneous

Essential is such a subjective term. Ask 100 people what their essential kitchen equipment list would contain and you’ll get 100 different lists. Every cook and kitchen is different. Buy for you and your kitchen and nobody else’s.

Hot Seasonal Items

Every single thing in your kitchen doesn’t have to be practical and for all seasons. Sometimes, you want something that’s only good for one season, one holiday, one week, whatever. Go forth and buy those cookie cutters, tea towels, placemats, and whatever else strikes your fancy.

Food Preparation

Prep: Small Tools

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Bench Scraper

Bench Scraper

A bench scraper is one of those tools that you don’t need until you have one and then you’ll never be able to live without it.

The main use for a bench scraper is doughs: dividing, moving, scraping up, etc. Which is why people who don’t bake a lot don’t tend to have a bench scraper.

But it’s also great for dividing ground meat portions, moving things around/off cutting boards (save your knife edge), and so many other things.

Look for a bench scraper that’s solid and sturdy with a comfortable handle.

You’ll love having a bench scraper when you’re making a variety of recipes.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Box Grater

Box Grater

A box grater will give you four different grating capabilities. Typically these include grate, shred, slice, and zest.

A grater should have a strong (but comfortable) handle. It shouldn’t have anything along the side edges (raised edges will interfere with whatever you’re grating). Extra features you might like include non-slip along the bottom and a detachable storage container.

You’ll need a box grated for many recipes.

Can Opener

An essential tool for opening cans is the Can Opener (clever name, right)!

There are two types of can openers: electric and manual. I’ve never used an electric can opener but it saves you from having to manually twist the blade around the can (I guess).

A lot of manual can openers have a bottle opener on them (which will save you from having to buy a separate tool).

You’ll need a can opener for my homemade tomato soup recipe.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Cutting Boards

Chopping / Cutting Board(s)

Cutting boards come in different sizes and materials. It’s important that you choose the ones that are right for your kitchen.

You should have at least 2 cutting boards (one for meat and one for other) so that you never have to worry about cross-contamination when cooking.

Personally, I keep a variety of cutting boards: large, medium, composite, and plastic.

Learn all about Cutting Boards from Simply Recipes.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Colander

Colander / Pasta Strainer

A colander (sometimes called a pasta strainer or just strainer) is great for washing vegetables or draining pasta.

You should only need one so get one that’s big enough for your household.

You’ll want a colander to make my spicy sausage and pumpkin pasta recipe.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Dry Measuring Cups

Dry Measuring Cups

I get more use out of my kitchen scale than my measuring cups, but they’re still handy to have. Many recipes are only offered in cups/spoons.

Dry measuring cups are meant to be filled (and leveled) for a proper measure.

Learn about measuring ingredients for cooking and baking.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Food Scale

Kitchen Scale

Personally, I hardly ever use my measuring cups and spoons. I place my bowl onto my kitchen scale and toss everything in by weight. It’s so much easier.

A kitchen scale is great for any kitchen because some recipes really require the precision they offer to measurements. They’re also great for portion control when eating.

When buying a food scale, precision matters. You want one that’s precise to (at least) 0.1 grams! Also consider battery: go for AAA or USB charging so that it’s easy to charge when needed.

Learn about measuring ingredients for cooking and baking.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Kitchen Shears

Kitchen Shears / Scissors

Once you get a pair of kitchen shears (a fancy term for scissors) you’ll wonder how you ever lived without them. They’re so versatile!

You’ll be cutting meats, veggies, herbs, and more before you know it and using way less of your knives.

Look for kitchen shears that come apart for easier cleaning, have a comfortable handle, and can strip herbs.

Kitchen shears will be helpful when you’re making so many recipes.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Liquid Measuring Cups

Liquid Measuring Cups

I get more use out of my kitchen scale than my measuring cups, but they’re still handy to have. Many recipes are only offered in cups/spoons.

Liquid measuring cups are clear and you’ll never fill them to the brim. You need to see the liquid reach the line (at eye level) for a proper measure.

Learn about measuring ingredients for cooking and baking.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Measuring Spoons

Measuring Spoons

I get more use out of my kitchen scale than my measuring cups, but they’re still handy to have. Many recipes are only offered in cups/spoons.

There are 2 types of measuring spoons: the ones that look like a bubble (for liquid) and the ones that are flatter (for dry). Many people only have one set and that’s fine. Dry items should be filled and leveled, wet items should be filled and have a slight bubble over (without spilling).

Learn about measuring ingredients for cooking and baking.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Micrograter

Microplaner / Micrograter

The faithful dragons of many magic curses beautifully found the Aladdin. A fast forest before found some Rapunzels. The Cinderella happily said those dazzling Dumbos. 

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Mixing Bowls

Mixing Bowls

Mixing bowls are big. When “filled” they should have plenty of empty space so that you’re not spilling and splashing while mixing.

The best mixing bowls are nonslip on the bottom and have handles. A great bonus feature is lids! The material (glass, plastic, stainless) is a personal preference and actually won’t make a difference to the mixing.

You’ll need mixing bowls to make my extra-moist banana muffin recipe.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Rolling Pin

Rolling Pin

A rolling pin is essential for baking. It’s useful for rolling out your dough to an even thickness.

Most rolling pins are wood which means it needs to be handwashed. New rolling pins come with pieces you can attach to the end to help you get the right thickness.

You need a rolling pin to make my gingerbread cookie recipe and my sugar cookie recipe.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Salad Spinner

Salad Spinner

There is nothing worse than wet soggy lettuce. Ugh! Save yourself from the ick and get a quality salad spinner.

My salad spinner is old but works. New salad spinners look so much nicer (press instead of twist, stainless or glass bowls, locking lids).

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Sieve

Sieve / Fine-Mesh Strainer

If you like things smooth, you’ll use a fine mesh strainer a lot.

I mostly use mine for cocoa powder because it can be a little chunky. It can also be used to make soups and sauces smoother, to sift flour and sugars, and other things.

You can use a fine mesh strainer to strain cocoa powder when making my gingerbread cookie recipe.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Vegetable Peeler

Vegetable Peeler

I don’t have a vegetable peeler because I don’t peel many vegetables (or fruits) and when I do, I use a paring knife.

However, if you peel frequently or aren’t very good with a paring knife, a vegetable peeler is a great item to have in the kitchen.

You might want to use a vegetable peeler to make my yummy chicken noodle soup recipe.

Prep: Utensils

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Chef's Knife

Chef’s Knife

If you could only have one knife, this is the one you should pick. A chef’s knife is the most versatile knife. It can be used for most chopping and slicing.

The most common size is 8″ which will maximum versatility. A longer knife is great for large vegetables and meats. A shorter knife is great for people with tiny hands.

The best material is a high carbon stainless steel (note: not a high carbon steel, but a stainless steel blade with high carbon).

Check out How to Choose a Kitchen Knife from Sharp Edge to learn more about choosing a chef’s knife.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Paring Knife

Paring Knife

The second knife you should add to your kitchen is a paring knife. This knife is ideal for small situations where the Chef’s knife is just too big such as peeling or coring strawberries.

Paring Knives are about 2-4″ (5-10cm). I’d choose an inexpensive stainless steel one.

Check out How to Choose the Best Paring Knives from Knives Academy if you want to learn more.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Serrated Knife

Serrated Knife

A serrated knife is commonly called a bread knife. It’s used for slicing delicate things like breads, cakes, pastries, tomatoes, etc.

Grab one that’s 8+ inches long. Sharp teeth will cut easier but make more crumbs, rounded teeth will need more pressure but leave fewer crumbs.

Check out How to Buy the Best Bread Knife by House of Knives to learn more.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Knife Block

Knife Block

Knives need to be stored somewhere. You want it to be somewhere that will prevent accidents.

There are a few options: a knife block with pre-cut slots that fit certain knife types/sizes; a universal knife block (usually with some kind of flexible rod material in it); a magnetic block or strip that your knives will cling to.

What’s best for you will depend on your kitchen layout, counter space, and personal preferences.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Whetstone


As you use your knives they’ll become dull which makes them harder to use (and dangerous).

You can send them out to be professionally sharpened but that gets pricey. Instead, get a whetstone and honing rod (yes, you need both).

Learn more about Sharpening and Honing Knives from Epicurious.

Prep: Appliances

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Blender


Blenders are great for making smoothies, soups, dips, and sauces.

The more power your blender has, the smoother it will be able to blend things (especially tough things like cranberry skins and ice cubes).

I rarely use my blender (but often use my immersion blender) because I don’t typically care if things are baby food smooth. But that’s a personal texture preference.

You could use a blender for my homemade tomato soup recipe (I use an immersion blender).

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Electric Hand Mixer

Electric Hand Mixer

An electric hand mixer is a great item to have. It doesn’t take up a lot of space (storage or counter) and is relatively inexpensive. It can be used for whipping, creaming, mixing, mashing, and more.

Truthfully, I use my stand mixer for all those same things but it’s not always as convenient. If you can afford it, I’d reccomend both mixers!

You can use an electric hand mixer to make my favorite cookie recipe: peanut butter chip chocolate cookies!

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Food Processor

Food Processor

A food processor is basically a fast and powerful knife. It’s not a necessary appliance (because you should already have a knife or two) but it can be a worthwhile addition to some kitchens.
If you don’t like chopping and grating, a food processor can do it for you. If you like to make dips and sauces (that aren’t super smooth), a food processor can do that. Want to make a pie shell? A food processor is great!

Size matters! I own a (rarely used) 12-cup food processor and a (used much more) 3-cup mini food processor. I’m mostly using mine to make pesto, guac, salsa, and other small batch things. What you want it for will determine what size you need to buy!

Learn more at How to Use a Food Processor by A Sweet Pea Chef.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Immersion Blender

Immersion Blender

An immersion blender (aka stick blender) blends and purees by being put into the food and swirled around.

They’re portable, space-saving, inexpensive, and just plain useful. I love mine!

Some immersion blenders come with attachments that can help it do other things (beaters and food processing attachments are the most common). These can be a great way to test out your use of those appliances but they won’t be as good as a standalone.

Keep in mind that an immersion blender won’t blend as silky smooth as a regular blender.

I use an immersion blender every time I make my homemade tomato soup recipe.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Microwave


I lived happily for several years without a microwave. But if I didn’t have one now, I’d miss it. How else can I easily get room temperature butter in less than a minute?????

Seriously though. A microwave can be really handy to have but it’s by no means essential.
Without one, you learn to reheat leftovers on the stove or in the oven. Although, the microwave is a lot faster!

Microwaves have a lot of features these days (that you may or may not need/want). Check out the Microwave Ovens Buying Guide from Consumer Reports to learn more about choosing a microwave.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Spice Grinder

Spice Grinder

Is grinding your own spices worth it? Sometimes.

There are two ways to grind your own spices: get a mortar and pestle (a lot of work but you can also crush more than just dry herbs and spices) or an electric grinder (typically sold as a coffee grinder).

When I need to grind my own spices, I use an electric grinder because quick and easy take the win for me.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Stand Mixer

Stand Mixer

I love my stand mixer so much that I keep considering buying a second one!

KitchenAid is the stand mixer brand everyone raves about. I have a Cuisinart and am totally satisfied. I’ve used KitchenAids at other peoples houses in the past but I don’t know anyone personally with any other brands.

When buying a stand mixer consider what you’re going to use it for.

The bigger the stand mixer bowl the more it can hold BUT it also means that it will be less useful for smaller batches. I have a 5.5 quart and it struggles to cream butter and sugar for a single batch of cookies but it can easily handle a double batch of bagel dough.

The more powerful the stand mixer the stronger it is. Bagels are a dense and heavy dough. My 500-Watt mixer handles a double batch without difficulty (and without any rocking around the countertop). A smaller motor might struggle with the same thing.

Use a stand mixer to make my favorite peanut butter chip chocolate cookie recipe.

Cooking & Baking

Cook: Appliances

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Air Fryer

Air Fryer

Air fryers have been the go-to trendy small appliance since 2020. Their appeal doesn’t seem to be slowing down and every day more and more recipes are released suited to it.

Air Fryers (compared to an oven) are a faster and more economical method of cooking. This is because air fryers use convection heat to rapidly move hot air around your food. Your oven might have a convection feature but it’ll still be slower and more expensive than using an air fryer because the air fryer will have a much smaller area of space to heat up.

The air fryer is great for making foods crispy and crunchy on the outside. But it is another appliance that will need counter space and storage space.

I don’t have an air fryer or the storage space for one (although I might buy an air fryer attachment for my instant pot). Should you get an air fryer? Find out from the kitchn!

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Bread Machine

Bread Machine

A bread machine can easily make you a loaf of bread. But you can also use one to prepare dough (and then you shape that dough and bake it in the oven. Think, pizzas and bagels).

A bread machine is a controversial small appliance. They’re probably the only appliance that you’ll always find on the shelves of a thrift store. I’d recommend buying one there before buying one new.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Instant Pot

Instant Pot

When I first got my Intant Pot, I used it A LOT. I tried all the recipes. But it wasn’t really faster or easier than using the oven or stove. And everything tended to be a bit wet for my tastes.

A pressure cooker is great for things that take a long time. It can cut that time down, a lot. It’s great for stews, ribs, roasts, beans, etc., But it’s not great for things that cook faster anyways.

The Instant Pot offers a lot more than just pressure cooking. It can replace a lot of other appliances: slow cooker, rice cooker, steamer, and (with the special lid attachment) air fryer.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Slow Cooker

Slow Cooker

If you have an Instant Pot you probably don’t need a separate slow cooker because your IP should have a slow cook feature. If you don’t have an IP, a slow cooker can be a useful small appliance in the kitchen.

Slow cookers are used to cook something at low heat over a long period of time (from 4 to 12 hours). They’re often used to soften tough cuts of meat or as dump meals (you dump everything in at the start of the day and leave it to cook all day).

I’ve never been a big slow cooker fan and I’ve switched my few slow cooker recipes to instant pot ones.

A slow cooker is much less expensive than an Instant Pot and there are a lot more sizes available.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Toaster


There are two types of toaster users: uses all the time and rarely uses. I switch back and forth between them.

A toaster is a really inexpensive but convenient to have small appliance. I don’t think I know anyone who doesn’t have one.

Sure, you can toast in the oven but then you have to heat up your entire oven! All for what? A piece of toast or a frozen waffle (don’t judge me).

Make sure your toaster has a bagel button! I also like to have extra-wide slots (so that big bagels and belgium waffles fit in it).

Cook: Cookware & Bakeware

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Casserole Dish

Casserole Dish

A casserole dish is a large dish that has high edges. It’s great for making one-dish meals (like lasagna) in the oven.

The most common size I see used in recipes is 13″ x 9″ (about 3 to 4 quarts). If I was buying a new casserole dish, I’d want one that comes with an oven-proof lid.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Dutch Oven

Dutch Oven

A dutch oven is a versatile pot that can be used in the oven or on the stove. It’s typically round and made of enameled cast iron.

They’re ideal for stews, boules of bread, braising, and more. The best size for most is between 5 and 7 quarts.

Dutch ovens can be expensive (with Le Creuset being the gold standard at about $400 for a 5.5 quart). But there are affordable options on the market. Just check for a quality enamel coating and never cook with chipped enamel.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Large Frying Pan or Skillet

Large Frying Pan / Skillet

Frying Pans (aka Skillets) are essential for any kitchen. But what should you buy? There’s no right or wrong answer but there is a lot of information (and misinformation) out there about different frying pans.

Learn about How to Choose a Frying Pan from Web Restaurant Store.

Personally, I have two 12″ frying pans: a Cast Iron and a Heritage the Rock one. I use both of them regularly.

I think the most important feature of a large frying pan is oven-safe. I often want to sear things or whatever and then cook them in the oven. Being able to do both in one pan is perfect.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Medium Frying Pan or Skillet

Medium Frying Pan / Skillet

A medium frying pan should be about 10″. I have a Gourmet Rock 9.5″ by Starfrit. Again, I like a frying pan that I can toss in the oven. This is my least-used frying pan.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Small Frying Pan or Skillet

Small Frying Pan / Skillet

Finally, a small frying pan should be 6″ or 8 ” (depending on what you’ll use it for most).

I have an 8″ Rock frying pan (I clearly like these). It can go in the oven (although my model has Bakelite so only up to 350*F) but I never put this size in. The most important feature to me for a small frying pan is non-stick. This is the pan I use for little things like eggs.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Loaf Pan

Loaf Pan

My loaf pan could be called a banana loaf pan because that’s mostly what it gets used for. Worth it though.

A loaf pan can also be used for making loaves of bread, meatloaf, casseroles (they don’t have to be a standard 9x13x3), desserts, and more.
Use your loaf pan to make my extra moist banana muffin recipe (but as a bread instead of muffins, obvs).

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Muffin Tin

Muffin Tin / Pan

Muffin tins (aka muffin pans) are great for making muffins, cupcakes, mini meatloafs, individual quiches, breakfast cups, and more.

They come in 3 sizes: mini, regular, and large. Regular is going to be the size used most often (I don’t have a mini or a large one).

Use your muffin tin to make my homemade banana muffin recipe.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Pie Plate

Pie Plate

Pie plates are used for pies, obviously. But not just sweet desert pies, they’re great for savory pies, too.

They can also be substitutes for some casserole and some dutch oven dishes (depending on the size and required depth).

Pie plates come available in glass, ceramic, and metal. Learn which one is best (spoiler: metal) and more from Epicurious.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Large Pot

Large Pot

5 to 6 quarts is typically more than large enough for soups, stocks, pasta, and more. If you have a large family or cook large meals regularly you might want a bigger large pot (instead of or in addition to a 6 quart).

Use your large pot to make my tasty ground beef chili recipe.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Sauce Pot


I have (and use) two sauce pots: a 1.5 quart and a 3 quart. I cook a lot and consider both essential to my kitchen. However, if I had to choose one to start, I’d go with the 3 quart. It’s more versatile.

If I was rebuying pots, I’d look for ones with straining lids and small pour areas (especially in smaller pots).

Use your saucepot to make the sauce for my mini meatloaf recipe.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Sheet Pans

Sheet Pans

Rimmed sheet pans (aka baking sheets) are the most versatile and commonly used for home kitchens. The slight rim helps keep things inside the sheet and also allow them to be used with a cooking rack.

They come in multiple sizes, the most common being full, half, and quarter. A half sheet pan is generally the perfect size to fit in most home ovens. Two quarter sheet pans can fit in side by side (as long as they don’t have large protruding handles).

I have 2 quarters and 1 half in my kitchen which gives me enough versatility to cook and bake whatever I want.

Use your sheet pan to make my roasted baby potatoes recipe.

Cook: Tools & Utensils

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Masher


A masher is good for more than just potatoes! You can use it to mash other things (guacamole anybody?), to muddle (which is basically mashing, right), to stir, to strain, and more.

But also, mashed potatoes, a holiday staple (and my least favorite form of potato).

Learn about the types of potatoes and find out which is best for mashing.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Oven Gloves

Oven Gloves

Protect your fingers with some oven gloves!

There are a few different styles of oven gloves you can get: fingered, fingerless, clamshell, loose, fitted, and maybe more.

Things to consider: price, maximum heat temperature, size, how quickly/easily they go on, maneuverability when wearing them, durability, washability.

I like little clamshell ones for quick in/out of the oven (checking the temperature of food, adjusting a rack quickly, etc). Otherwise, I like the full-scale high heat protection with fingers.

You’ll need oven gloves for any recipe made in the oven like my roasted garlic recipe, mini meatloaf recipe, and roasted baby potatoes recipe.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Trivets

Pot Holder / Trivet

Trivets (aka Pot Holders) are useful for protecting your tables and countertops from hot dishes.

They’re available in many colors, materials, and sizes. Look for high heat resistance (over 450*F), non-slip, and easy-to-clean ones.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Flexible Spatula

Flexible Spatula

Flexible spatulas are amazing. The best ones are sturdy with just a bit of bend to them.

I have one that’s perfect. Perfect size, perfect flex, perfect stability. It has no brand name on it. I stole it from my mom’s kitchen and she doesn’t remember where it came from. It’s my favorite cooking utensil. I have a tiny one that I use a fair bit as well.

I recommend a big one and a small one so that you can use it in all situations.

You can use a flexible spatula while making my butter cookies recipe.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Slotted Spatula

Slotted Spatula

A slotted spatula (aka a fish spatula) is ideal for flipping food. A slotted spatula is flexible enough to flip delicate foods (like fish) while being firm enough to flip heavier foods (like a large pancake). It’s also good for picking up food and letting oil or fat strain off it.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Splatter Guard

Splatter Guard

Protect yourself and your kitchen from oil and food splatters with a splatter guard. Unlike a lid, a splatter guard allows more airflow into your food while cooking (because not everything can be cooked with a lid).

Use a splatter guard while making my ground beef chili recipe.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Slotted Spoon

Slotted Spoon

A slotted spoon has holes or slots in it that allow whatever you’re scooping up to drain.

This doesn’t just mean scooping things out of a pot of water and letting the water drain (although I use mine for that). It’s also great for scopping things out of a pan and letting the fat/drippings drip off.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Wooden Spoon

Wooden Spoon

You’ve probably seen a recipe specify using a wooden spoon. Maybe you wondered why? Does it have to be wooden?

Wooden spoons are the best for cooking because they can be used in any dish made in any container. Wood doesn’t affect temperature, react to acid, cause scratches, melt, affect taste, or anything else.

On the downside, wooden spoons should be hand-washed. They also absorb color and smells which can make them poor choices for certain dishes.

You can use a wooden spoon to make my homemade banana muffin recipe.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Food Thermometer

Food Thermometer

Food safety is no joke. You want to make sure your food is cooked to an internal temperature that makes it safe to eat. The most accurate way to do that is with a food thermometer.

There are a couple of types of food thermometers. Ones that you put in only to check the temperature and then remove it and ones that you put in at the start of cooking and they constantly monitor the temperature.

I love the second type. You can buy them with Bluetooth so they connect to your phone or with a small device you can carry around.

You can use a food thermometer when making my spiral ham recipe.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Oven Thermometer

Oven Thermometer

Your oven temperature might not be what you expect. An oven thermometer is an inexpensive item that you put in your oven to check the temperature. Knowing the exact temperature of your oven can help you know cook times and get consistent results.

You can move an oven thermometer around in your oven and find out where the hot spots are (which will give you a better idea of where to cook your food).

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Tongs


I love me some kitchen tongs. Little tongs for little things. Big tongs for big things. I have three pairs!

Tongs are great for handling your food (moving it, flipping it, and more).

Look for tongs that have silicon tips (to avoid scratching) and high heat resistance (so they don’t melt).

You can use your new tongs for my spicy sausage and pumpkin pasta recipe.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Whisk


How do you whisk without a whisk? Awkwardly! The tool whisk is named after what it does best: whisk!

Whisks are great for mixing together fine ingredients (like spices), making batters (like pancakes), light sauces (like gravy), and much more.

Use a whisk to make my pulled pork rub recipe.

Other Items

Other: Serving

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Bottle Opener

Bottle Opener

Before you buy a standalone bottle opener, check your can opener and your corkscrew. Bottle openers are commonly added to both of those tools.

If they don’t have a bottle opener on them, it’s time to buy one! The cool thing about bottle openers is that you can get them in so many themes.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Corkscrew


There are various types of corkscrews. I guess they all have their pros and cons but you should just buy whichever one seems best for you.

I like kitschy ones – themed, fun, and a little bit different.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Ladle


A ladle is the best thing for moving liquids from one place to another (like soup from a pot into your bowl).  It’s typically cleaner and easier than pouring!

Grab yourself a ladle to serve up my homemade tomato soup recipe.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Pasta Spork

Pasta Spork

What’s a spork? It’s a spoon/fork combo! A pasta spork is an oversized fork/spoon with drain holes. It’s ideal for scooping pasta noodles out of water.

Sometimes you don’t want to drain your pasta entirely (because you can use that starchy water to loosen your sauce) or your colander has holes too big for the pasta you’ve made. A pasta spork is the perfect solution.

You can use your pasta spork when making my spicy sausage and pumpkin pasta recipe.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Pizza Cutter

Pizza Cutter

Pizza cutters are an easy way to cut up pizza, flatbreads, and other similar dishes. Using a knife is messy and difficult but a pizza cutter was made for this reason alone!

(full disclosure: I use my kitchen shears to cut pizza. It’s even easier than a pizza cutter)

Other: Storage

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Aerogarden


I have an aerogarden harvest elite slim (it was a gift) that I use all the time. Sometimes I grow herbs, sometimes lettuce, and sometimes both. I’ve never grown anything else in it.

It doesn’t take up a lot of space, it’s easy to care for, and (not including the initial expense), it’s an affordable way to keep fresh greens and herbs on hand.

I love mine and am seriously considering buying a second one (so I can always have lettuce and always have herbs).

You don’t need an expensive machine to grow fresh produce at home. Indoor gardening (and hydroponic gardening) can be DIY’d instead.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Bread Bin

Bread Bin / Box

Keep your bread (and other baked goods) fresh with a dedicated bread box.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Kettle


A kettle is great for rapidly boiling water. Seriously, I boil water in my kettle and then pour it into pots on the stove because it’s so much faster.

Look for a cordless kettle with an auto-off feature. Consider the amounts (min and max) you’re likely to boil and get the appropriate size. I’d pay extra for faster boiling capabilities but maybe you’re more patient than I am.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Kitchen Organizers

Kitchen Organizers

It’s easier to cook in an organized kitchen than one that’s not. Consider what organizational tools and creations would make your life better.

Drawer organizers? Lazy Susans? Sliding Cabinet Storage? Shelves? Baskets? Hooks? Racks?

Get organized! You won’t regret it.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Aluminum Foil

Kitchen / Aluminum Foil 

I’ve been trying to reduce my use of disposable items (buying cookware with lids, using more silicon products, etc). But even so, I can’t live without foil (yet). Can you?

In my area, aluminum foil can only be recycled if it’s clean. Which means it basically can’t be recycled because it always has burned or greasy residue on it.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Parchment Paper

Parchment Paper

Like foil, parchment paper is an essential (although one I am cutting down on).
Unlike foil, parchment can be put into my green bin (this might depend on where you live). So when I need something I try and choose parchment over foil (if possible).

I do have, and use, silicon baking mats instead of parchment most of the time now.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Plastic Wrap

Plastic Wrap / Clingform

I’m really trying to reduce my use of single-use products. It’s not just about the expense (but over time they do add up to be a lot of money), it’s also about the microplastics, sustainability, and the entire planet!

There are excellent reusable alternatives to plastic wrap on the market: cloth, silicone, beeswax, and more.

I like a mix of cloth and silicone because they’re easy to care for (cloth can go in the washing machine and silicone can go in the dishwasher). Sometimes I use a cloth one overtop of a silicone one.

Also, once you commit to using less plastic wrap, you’ll find yourself reaching for reusable containers and using less of the alternatives as well.

I do have a box of plastic wrap in my drawer but I rarely find myself reaching for it anymore and probably won’t buy a new one when it’s empty.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Storage Bags

Storage – Bags

Storage bags are like plastic wrap, something I’m cutting down on. Get dishwasher-safe ones for easy cleaning (just turn them inside out and put them on the top rack).

The challenge with reusable storage bags is having enough of them. Sometimes you seem to need more bags than you have on hand!

Storage bags come in a variety of sizes: snack, sandwich, medium, and large being the most popular. Get and keep a variety!

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Bulk Storage Containers

Storage – Bulk

Much of the packaging used for food can continue being used for storage at home. But some things cannot. For example, brown sugar comes in a plastic bag that, once opened, will make your sugar rock hard. It needs to be stored in an airtight container.

You’ll need a whole bunch of storage containers for these foods in various sizes.

I like glass because I know it’s food safe and won’t leach anything into my food. It also doesn’t absorb smells or colors. On the other hand, glass is breakable and heavy.

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Leftover Storage Containers

Storage – Leftovers

Another type of container you’ll need for your food is for storing leftovers or extras. These often come in sets with several sizes.

Make sure that they have airtight, leak-proof lids. Consider how you’ll use them: do you need dishwasher safe? Oven safe? Microwave safe? Freezer safe?

Again, I l ike glass (for the same reasons as bulk storage containers).

Essential Kitchen Equipment - Tea Towels

Tea Towels & Dish Cloths

Gotta keep your kitchen clean and tidy. You’ll want some reusable tea towels and dish clothes.
Make sure they’re washing machine friendly for easy cleaning.

A Well-Equipped Kitchen

If this list seems like a lot, it is. Remember, every cook is different so you won’t need everything on this list.

You might even consider something an essential kitchen tool that isn’t on this list. Share those items in the comments!

What did you buy? What’s your must-have? Favorite brands? We want to hear about them all in the comments below.

Until next time,
